Keep Yourselves Updated With The Sports Persons
The term popularity exceeds all races and geographical boundaries. With the increasing popularity you will get to know your real position in the society. Your name will indicate that whether you are rising like the high-rise New York buildings or sinking in the Amazon jungles or the dirty streets of Africa. List of celebrities, sportspersons or actors changes every year. So, here is a common list of the celebrity popularity rankings based on their different works.
Filled with the details of the upcoming concert performance and albums, weird little tidbits about day to day life and various controversies has made Britney Spears the topper in this list. In the second there is Shaquille O’Neal. This plus sized basketball star with a blend of competence and brilliance, is known for being the most popular sport celebrity around. In third place you can surely keep Lady Gaga. She is the goddess of beauty and the most popular singer who always prefer to keep in touch with her fans. Next is Ellen DeGeneres who has become popular with her talk shows. This list changes every week. In fact, today who is at the top level of popularity can be no where in the list just in few days.
Now talking about the actress popularity, whom to mention and whom to not. Who would have ever thought that the famous popularity, Demi Moore is so approachable or that young girl Emma Watson, to become the most popular actress, leaving much behind all her rivalries? Next there is the top athlete popularity list. The advertisers always prefer to endorse their brands by signing up the popular athletes. They usually hire famous personalities in order to promote their brand quickly and effectively. Neymar, the Brazilian soccer player is being touted as the next Pele. The huge spending clubs such as Barcelona and Real Madrid, have all inquired and are ready to place a record breaking bid for the Brazilian playmaker. Next you have Roy Mcllroy from Northern Ireland, the Golf course Eastern Suburbs. Still only 23, he has already won several prizes and this year he also won the Second Major by bagging the US PGA crown. Third but not the least there is the Argentina’s soccer player Lionel Messi. Time Magazine once hailed him as King Leo. He has elevated football skills and is known for being a talented player that you can ever come across in Barcelona’s history.
After talking about the different celebrities and sports stars, how can you leave behind the personality’s popularity list. Here, you will get to know about different personalities who have made themselves popular in their respective fields. First you have Malala Yousafazai, a student and education activist. She is already known for her promotion of women‘s education in Pakistan. In fact, there are several eminent political figures that are completely supporting the petition to get her nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. E L James, the author of Fifty Shades of Gray is the next on the list. This list is never ending and you can get the personality’s popularity list on the online websites easily.